Challenging the misconceptions: Creativity in B2B PR vs B2C PR

Oct 2, 2024
4 mins

Think of the word ‘public relations’. You'll likely imagine big, bold consumer campaigns for household names, whether it's product launches with celebrity ambassadors, viral TikTok customer activations or large-scale experiential events. What probably isn’t springing to mind is a B2B campaign. 

More often than not, B2B PR is perceived as the less glamorous cousin of B2C PR, relegated to a reputation of whitepapers and r tables. But we’re here to set the record straight once and for all…

The Reality of Creativity in B2B PR

B2B PR demands creative thinking every single day, particularly when dealing with products or services that aren’t as sexy or as obviously marketable as lots of consumer products are.

With B2C PR, the emotional appeal is often baked into the product itself—think of the excitement of a new smartphone or the allure of a luxury car—whereas B2B PR has to work a lot harder to find that emotional hook.

This challenge is an opportunity: B2B PR is about a different kind of creativity—one that can be more nuanced and requires strategic thinking. You’re not just speaking to a broad audience of consumers; you're targeting specific stakeholders who have a direct impact on business decisions. The stakeholder pool in B2B is often much smaller and more specialised, which means that campaigns must be laser-focused and tailored to resonate deeply with that audience. 

Redefining Creativity: Beyond the Obvious

One of the reasons B2B PR is often seen as less creative is because of the perception of what creativity means in the PR world. In B2C, creativity might be judged on how well it dominates a particular cultural moment or the art direction of the campaign. In B2B PR, creativity is about crafting a compelling narrative that speaks directly to a highly targeted audience.

For example, a B2B press campaign might focus on creating a thought-leadership piece that positions the client as an innovator in their field. This could involve conducting research to develop unique insights, or crafting a narrative that challenges conventional thinking using internal data. Alternatively, it might involve a series of interactive webinars or podcasts that provide real value to the audience—engaging them in a dialogue and fostering a sense of community.

Finding new ways to present complex information in a way that is not only digestible but compelling is the golden ticket in B2B PR. It's about taking the core essence of what makes a product or service valuable and finding fresh, innovative ways to communicate it. We love leveraging new digital tools and platforms, using data storytelling techniques, or creating highly personalised content that speaks directly to the needs of a specific audience segment.

The Power of Emotional Connection in B2B

Fostering emotional connections or responses in your audience is just as crucial in B2B PR as it is in B2C PR, since business decisions are still made by people.

In B2B, creativity is about crafting a story that not only highlights the functional benefits of a product or service but also taps into the deeper motivations of the audience. We like to focus on emotional drivers like desire for innovation, the drive to improve efficiency, or the aspiration to be a leader in their industry. This way, B2B PR campaigns are often highly effective in driving engagement and business results.

What’s next for B2B PR?

We think the future sits with innovation and inventiveness driving immersive experiences. We’re already seeing the trends of digital and data-driven storytelling in B2B PR, with brands leveraging everything from AI and machine learning to virtual and augmented reality.

Consider framing your content so that it is not just informative but also thought-provoking. This might involve experimenting with new formats—such as interactive whitepapers, gamified content, or immersive video experiences—or finding new ways to leverage existing channels in more creative and impactful ways.